US Land Grid, Inc. - has just released the parcels dataset - tax parcel / surface ownership - covering twelve of the more popular oil and gas counties. The inventory of parcels includes over 300 tax parcels, the polygons, and the standard tax roll / attribute data such as parcel id, parcel address, legal description, value, owner name, owner address, acreage, etc.
A Parcel is a single cadastral unit, which is the spatial extent of the past, present, and future rights and interests in real property. Combined with the tax roll information (tax roll: a breakdown of all property within a given jurisdiction, such as a city or county, that can be taxed.) for that unit, the tax parcel information provided by US Land Grid gives customers the most complete property information possible within a spatial context. This information is particularly useful for industry that with land interest at heart, such as Oil and Gas, the Real Estate Industry, and anyone looking to lease or buy a piece of land.
Tax Parcel ID are important because the city assessor gives the ID to a particular piece of property. That number then appears in the tax rolls for your city and identifies an individual piece of property as to its ownership, assessed valuation, exemptions and tax amount. The tax id number is the starting point within the tax parcel attribute table at US Land Grid.
The polygons relating to each parcel of land follow county lines, street lines - the polygons line up with imagery. Visually, it presents the end user with a real view both spatially and in a tabular like format. Within the 25 or so attributes included within each parcel of land, information such as property value, zip etc. enable unique ways to symbolize the data within any mapping program. More detailed information such as owner address and name, legal description, parcel id, etc make it easy to contact the relevant sources and get the extra information needed to make informed decisions.
Within each parcel, the legal description ties directly back to the land grid - references lots, quarters, subdivisions, etc. By directly relating the land grid the user of the parcel data can easily see land ownership spatially within the extents of the public or Texas land survey system. It truly is a win win for anyone interested in a true depiction of land ownership within a specified area of interest.

Sometimes called land ownership maps, or surface ownership maps, the tax parcels or parcels at US Land Grid cover off a large part of the oil and gas base. We believe the pricing system of $250 per county is among the lowest, if not the lowest in the industry. Updates for all counties are available, and with over 300 counties now available for instant download chances are that your county is in stock on the website.
For more information please contact US Land Grid - Like some of the best airlines, that's the best way to get our GIS data instantly and a GIS Guru helping you - instantly!
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